A lot is happening. But nothing is really going on.
No vacations this week…nothing spectacular, but I think it’s pretty awesome. Just a fun week at home with my girls.
Rosie had a sleepover with her best friend Sydney, who lives 2 blocks away. We spend 5 days a week at our neighborhood pool. Taylor and I work from home, and shuttle Rosie to and from her various camps (not overnight camps yet this summer, maybe next year?). We also had a fun cookout at my man Houston’s house- he made an awfully good Boston Butt for all of us.
These kinds of weeks are fun. Sometimes it is hard because we set the bar too high– what I mean is Rosie is pretty darn active, so when things slow down, it feels quite dramatic for this seven year old to feel BORED. But thats part of it I guess… I’m awfully proud of my girls 🙂
Here is a random video from before we took Mercy to school one day last week.