All the small things
If it doesn’t sound like a blink-182 song to you, maybe it should? Sometimes when I look back at the past couple weeks, nothing MAJOR has happened; there haven’t been any large events in our family; just a lot of small things. In no particular order: 2. While Taylor was away, the girls and I…
Just pics from costa rica
Costa Rica II: This is funny
Packing Error. We spent the first four days in the jungle. The second four days we spent on a beach on the Pacific Side, in a Marriot Hotel called The Mangroove. I made an error while packing. If you know me, you know over the past few years that wearing tank-tops when it is hot…
Costa Rica, Part I: The jungle
It was amazing, and the kids would love it. We spent 4 days in the jungle, then three days on the coast. These are a few fun stories from the first part of the trip.