Easter it is!

Last week I didnt post anything. It was a rainy, junky- weather kind of weekend, so I focused on my rainy-day project, which isn’t complete yet, but this is what it looks like:

Rosie has been asking for something like this, and it should be done some time this week.

Everyone has preferences

Mercy is 2, and she cries. It has been a rough couple of months, but I think we are getting to the better side of it. Why does she cry? She cries because she wants something. As Taylor has often said, “It’s ok to have preferences”. Here is an example of these “preferences” while we were out getting some dinner this week:

Why is the above image a “preference”? Easy- this is where the kiddos prefer to sit while they eat dinner.

During that exact moment, this is also how I prefer to eat my dinner:

It can be a bit maddening to try and figure out why Mercy is crying, and what her preference might be.

I finally had a heart-to-heart with the two year old, and just said “Mercy, you have got to stop crying. You can’t keep crying all the time.”

It is hard to tell how many words sink in when talking with a two year old, but after picking her up from Sunday school, the teacher told me “Mercy kept saying, ‘I’m not crying’ during her time in here tonight.”

I asked, “did she cry?” and the answer, was “no”. Maybe it’s getting better!?!

Similarly, this is how my family “prefers” to watch tv:

Easter Week

Going to a non-denominational church as a kid, and most of my adult-life, “good Friday” was pretty well known. We also had “palm Sunday” the week before.

Our church now uses the standard calendar, but has added “Maundy Thursday”, and a Saturday vigil to the week. This year, we got to go to the “Maundy Thursday” service. In the Bible, this is the night when Jesus had passover with his disciples before he was crucified. During that night, he also washed his disciples feet.

Our church adds to it in a special way, where we have the chance to wash each other’s feet as well.

Mercy washed Rosie’s feet, and then Rosie took a turn:

A few minutes later, Rosie asked if she could wash my feet. She did so, and while she was doing it, I couldn’t help but think of what it must have been like for Jesus to wash 12 of his disciples feet, though he didn’t have to- knowing how much he loved all 12 of them, even the one that betrayed him.

It was a really sweet moment, and Rosie asked some great questions in the car on the way home.

We came down to the beach to spend a few days with Taylor’s parents. I’ll be working this week from the beach, so will Taylor, but it is spring break for the kiddos, so why not?

Taylor’s parent’s are awesome grandparents. And Ted knows his way around the kitchen. The other week, Taylor and I got the chance to do a quick dinner at Flemings, and we split the scallops for dinner. I told Ted that their scallops were not as good as the ones he cooked on New Years Eve, so we got to enjoy a special dinner of Scallops and Corn Cream (not to be confused with “creamed corn”), and it was just as good as the first time he served them:

There wasn’t much else that happened this week. Here are a few fun shots from the week:

Taylor joined us on the walk to school one morning. The trees are starting to bloom, and allergies have been crazy.

This is how Mercy “prefers” to eat her dinner. And preferences are ok.

We took the girls to a local park. Mercy wants to do everything her big sister does.

How did you celebrate Easter? Do you have any fun traditions? Leave a comment below.

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