This was an awesome weekend- and exhausting. Taylor does such a great job of helping Rosie feel loved. Even though the work has to be put in during the (late) hours of 9 pm after Rosie is settled in bed, Taylor knew it was worthwhile to create a scavenger hunt for Rosie when Rosie woke up on her birthday. So we did, and here is the video:
Friday night (Rosie’s actual birthday), she got to do a sleepover with her cousin Anna Grace. I drove and met Anna’s dad, Matt, about halfway to Raleigh, and picked up Anna grace at around 4:30, and by the time the doors were closed, those girls were going 90 miles an hour. They were both wound up and ready to go. THe cool thing is, when we went to the “lighting of the Christmas tree” downtown, the two girls ended up getting their picture taken, and were in the local newspaper- FRONT PAGE!.

We celebrated Rosie with a birthday party for friends on Saturday night- and it was wild. In my selfish kind of way, that kind of situation was my worst nightmare- 12 screaming 7 year old girls.
This was her first birthday where it was all girls- and when I offered to her, she did ask that I make myself a stranger during the party (and stay inside). So, I happily obliged while watching some of the season closing games in college football that night. App state lost.
Here is a funny video Taylor took, to put it in context. This is Mercy, just having a great old time eating a little bit of pizza, while all the craziness unfolds around her:
And here are a few other pics of the weekend
Rosie and Sydney walking to school Rosie blowing out the candles Rosie is just full of life Rosie and her cousing, Anna Rosie is an awesome big sister
It was a little sad too- Saturday was my uncle’s funeral. Uncle Gordy- my dad’s older brother- passed away earlier this year, and his funeral was on Saturday. I was pretty torn not being able to go, but with Grammy passing away earlier this year, going to visit Grandma Sue, and Rosie’s birthday this weekend, it just didnt seem like I could make it work to head to PA for this event. I was able to stream the funeral though, and everyone did an excellent job reading, and sharing about Gordy’s life.